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Tips for Managing Exam Anxiety

by area learn on

You’ve been studying for weeks (or maybe longer) and it’s time to book your real estate exam… but now you’re feeling anxious and not so sure you can achieve that 70% you need. If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Luckily, there are things you can do to help calm your nerves and walk into your exam with confidence.

Know your anxiety is normal. Whether fresh out of high school, making a mid-life career change, or looking for a new challenge in retirement - most of us will feel at least some degree of stress writing exams. Acknowledging your anxiety can help you address it more effectively.

Tips for managing exam anxiety

Prepare for your exam

Actually prepare – BEFORE booking your exam at an exam centre or asking AREA for exam authorization. Booking your exam before you’re ready will only add to your stress and you’re not usually permitted to reschedule exam times once they’ve been booked.

Invest the recommended hours of study time on each course

The recommended hours of study time for each real estate designation course is as follows:

  • 120 hours for Fundamentals of Real Estate
  • 80 hours for Residential and Commercial
  • 60 hours for Rural and Property Management

Although these are guidelines, you may want to go back and review the materials again if you sped through the course the first time. 

After completing your area learn course, take your time to go back and review any tricky topics. Many people find they retain more information by studying for shorter periods than cramming for hours at a time. Review the material consistently, but break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks so studying doesn’t become overwhelming.

Read the supplementary PDFs

These are in the Resource Tab on your course platform and contain information on topics that are likely to be on your exam. Also make sure you read the information on the websites hyperlinked in your course.

Take advantage of AREA's Real Estate Exam Practice Tests

Complete AREA’s practice tests (included on your course platform) and buy a RECA practice exam ($65 on your myRECA account) BEFORE booking your exam at an exam centre.

Keep organized notes

Having to rummage through scraps of paper, an unorganized notebook, or random notes on your phone will only add to your stress. Try studying in a clutter-free environment (away from laundry and unwashed dishes) to help keep your mind clear and focused.

Work with a tutor

Work with a recognized tutor who will help with the content, provide practice tests, and tell you when they believe you are ready to write the exam. Each tutor will have their own fees and study packages. Email area learn at for a list of recognized tutors.

Prioritize YOU before exam day

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating well, and staying hydrated. Does driving stress you out? Ask someone for a ride to the exam centre or take a taxi or Uber. If you can, take the day off work so you can focus on relieving your anxiety and not rushing to arrive on time. Your physical well-being can directly impact your mental performance.

Talk out your stress

Discuss your exam anxiety with your friends, family, tutor or broker. Sometimes just sharing your feelings can provide you with the relief you need. If you are regularly impacted by the physical and emotional effects of anxiety, consider talking to a professional who can teach you coping strategies to use both at home and at the exam centre, such as breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, etc.

Going into your exam prepared means having the knowledge you need, as well as the right mindset and coping tools to use during your exam too. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to ace the exam – you need 70% to pass and no one else will see your grade. Believe in yourself and stay committed to your goals. And remember, area learn is here to support you every step of the way.


Ready to get started on your journey to becoming a REALTOR® in Alberta? Click here to enroll in area learn’s pre-licensing education courses and get equipped with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in your real estate career.